“Four Crowns’ sculptural inventions are fundamentally classical in tone. Yet they are paradoxically modern. Fragments, seemingly from Greece and Rome, speak with new voices in settings that are unexpected - but become demonstrably eloquent. Enigmatic meanings come from ancient mottos and emblems, refreshed to become modern conundrums. The result is a rich field for interpretation that seduces each observer into individual meditation on enduring mysteries.”
Professor Martin Kemp (2022)
Scagliola is the time-honoured technique of manipulating plaster and pigment to mirror rare, lost or ancient marbles.
With great respect for the material, we are evolving a new generation of scagliola craftsmanship using bold and innovative techniques. All aspects of design and manufacture are developed in-house, with each creation worked by hand from first inspiration to completed piece.
By rethinking and recasting ancient motifs, Four Crowns’ contributions to the classical tradition reveal their own dream of antiquity.